Working the Holidays

The holidays mean different things to different people.

For some, it’s about family. For others, it’s about giving.  For those who don’t wanna admit it… the holidays are about PRESENTS!

Then, to a certain group of people, the holidays mean working.

You probably forget about the ones who are stuck working on Thanksgiving and Christmas, especially if you’ve never had to do it yourself.

You’re reminded when you need something that day, and most of the stores are closed. But boy, are you grateful to find those convenience or grocery stores that are open. You wonder if the employees are there because they wanna be, or if they had no choice.

Actually, it’s both.

I was one of those who was glad to work on Thanksgiving.

Harbourtowne, the resort where I worked in St. Michaels, had a huge Thanksgiving buffet spread every year, as well as for Easter and Mother’s Day.

The first two years of my employment, I worked as a server. The last three, I ended up being a buffet stocker/busgirl.

I didn’t mind. I’ve never been that fond of Thanksgiving anyway. Growing up, it always seemed to be the most boring day of the year. You’d wait around to eat, with my mom cooking in the kitchen, us watching TV. We’d offer to help her, but she wanted to do it herself. So my sisters and I would feel guilty, because we weren’t doing anything.

Then, the dinner usually stirred up a fight from somebody, creating a tense atmosphere. I was happy to hide in the kitchen, doing the dishes.

Years later, when I had my own apartment, a few Thanksgivings I was by myself, and I couldn’t be happier. I’d make some kind of casserole and watch a bunch of movies. It was great. No fights, no guilt. Just quiet.

So, when I discovered that Harbourtowne was open on Thanksgiving, I quickly said, “Sure, I’ll be there!”

For me, it was a pretty long day, starting at 6 am to cook the regular breakfast buffet for the few guests who were staying at the resort. Then, assisting the rest of the crew when they clocked on to prepare the holiday grub. Then, setting up the buffet, loading up all the food, and waiting for the guests to arrive. Doing whatever job(s) I was given that day, taking down the buffet, cleaning up, then finally getting home around 7 pm.

I was always impressed with how the managers arranged the seating for all the parties. They figured that the average table would take 1 1/2 hours for their meal, then they would schedule the next one, and so on. It was like putting a big puzzle together.

Of course, there were those parties who stayed longer, cutting into the next reservation. Which usually, would get moved to another server’s section, ticking off the original server for losing that table.

The managers did their best to give each server an equal amount of business, and balance it so they were never overwhelmed with more than they could handle.

The holidays when I worked as a server were always a bit stressful for me. Even though the buffet was a pretty easy gig, the hassle for me was taking care of all the beverages, especially at a big table. These were usually filled with combined families and friends, adults and children. The grown-ups all wanted booze, the kids wanted something like hot chocolate, which took extra time to make.

So I’d run around like an idiot putting all their orders together, meanwhile, forgetting about the smaller tables I had to take of as well. Then, trying to navigate in between other servers, running around themselves.

I was happy when I was asked if I could be busgirl. The servers were supposed to do a lot of their own cleaning up, but it always helped when someone else would do the main clearing and changing of linens and silverware.

For me, it was great. I didn’t have to worry about the table, other than clearing plates and getting something the server might need. I was glad to be helping everyone else, and I wasn’t stressed. Plus, I was getting a lot of exercise!

The managers made sure all the servers tipped me at the end of the day. If one of them had avoided it, the bosses saw to it that I got something. I knew, from being a server myself, that they didn’t always like to do that. But, I always made sure I’d gone overboard to earn my gratuities. The managers saw that, so I appreciated that they looked after me in that sense.

One Thanksgiving, I was busgirl and buffet runner. Double-duty. Going back and forth between the dining room and the buffet tables. Clearing plates one moment, then running back to the kitchen to get another pan of stuffing and more turkey for the carvers. My muscles were twitching the end of that day!

I could have made more money if I’d waited on the tables, but I didn’t mind. It was a good time, and I still pocketed a decent amount of cash.

For those of you who end up working on a holiday, maybe because everyone else had already asked off, or you don’t have a family, or perhaps, you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas, still, make the most of it.

At least you’re getting paid, usually time and a half. You’re not dealing with family crap. And, you probably scored a few brownie points with the boss, if you care about that sort of thing.

Hopefully, when you clock out, you can still spend some time with family or friends, if you want to and you’re not too tired.

Just always be appreciative of the folks who you encounter working on the holidays, when you’re off to your own family or party. Whatever reason they have for being on duty, they may be happy, or they may be bummed. Smile and be friendly. They might need that.

You may just make their day.




Rice Krispies Dream Bars

The holidays are here, and that means a lot of cooking, baking, and indulging.

I thought I’d make a batch of one of my favorite desserts – Rice Krispies Dream Bars. 

They’re different from the typical Rice Krispies treats, that are made with marshmallows. These are full of butterscotch morsels and peanut butter, with a decadent chocolatey center. They’re pretty simple to make, you just need to have a strong arm (for stirring the mixture).


  • 6 cups Rice Krispies cereal
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1 bag (10-12 oz.) butterscotch morsels
  • 1 bag (10-12 oz.) chocolate chip morsels
  • 3 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tbsp. water


Using double-boiler, pour in Rice Krispies, and add peanut butter and butterscotch morsels.

On medium heat, stir mixture continuously til well-blended and butterscotch has melted (you can use a large sauce-pan if you don’t have a double-boiler, just lower the heat and stir constantly to make sure the mix doesn’t scorch the bottom of the pan).

Spread half the cereal mixture into greased 9×13 (3 qt.) casserole dish. Set aside the rest.


Place dish in refrigerator for 30 minutes to harden.


Using another double-boiler, or medium sauce-pan, melt chocolate chips and butter over low-medium heat, stirring constantly. Add the tbsp. of water, stir til melted and smooth. (Can also melt in a glass bowl in microwave, in 15 sec. increments).

Take chilled mixture out of frig and pour the melted chocolate over it, spreading evenly with a spoon or spatula, to cover the entire pan.


Spread the rest of the Rice Krispies mix over top of chocolate, smoothing it evenly to the edges. Place dish back in the refrigerator and let chill for at least 30 minutes, but 2 hours is best.



Makes about 2 dozen bars

Kitchen Survival Kit

Most cooks and chefs have their special collection of kitchen utensils and accessories –  plenty of knives, spatulas, spoons, whisks, peelers, graters, etc., etc.

This post talks about another set of tools, what I call a “Kitchen Survival Kit.” This can work in your home kitchen, as well as the restaurant.

The idea came to me while thinking of the many boo-boos I’ve gotten while on the job, along with my former boss, and especially, my husband, Kevin. He’s the King of freak accidents. In fact, he contributed to most of the information listed here.


My “kit” contains the obvious first-aid necessities, but also, those little knick-knacks that you may not think about (until you need them right away). Then, of course, they’re nowhere to be found.

You probably have a drawer or two dedicated to such things, or, you may want to get a special box to keep them all together in one spot. However you see fit, I just thought these might come in handy for you sometime.


For Kitchen First-Aid

  • Different sized Band-Aids:  always good to have a variety of sizes on hand
  • Super-Glue, or Liquid Skin:  my hubby swears by this, as well as my former kitchen manager. This works great when you get a nasty cut, but have to keep working.

If it’s a small cut, clean off any blood and apply 1 or 2 drops, then let it dry. This will create a seal over the cut and keep it from bleeding.

If it’s a deep cut, wrap it with gauze or paper towel, and hold your wounded area up above the heart to elevate it (assuming the cut is on your finger or arm). This will keep it from bleeding more, allowing it to clot.

If it’s a bad cut and you’re scared, try to get someone to assist you (a good time to do some deep breathing exercises to relax! Review my previous post on this).

When the breathing is under control, then you can apply the Super-Glue.


This happened to me one day at work. I didn’t realize the knives had recently been sharpened, and I got a deep cut on my finger. That’s when my boss introduced me to “instant band-aid” in a bottle. After that, I made sure to be more careful.

Another thing to be aware of: if you cut yourself and blood gets on anything in the restaurant kitchen, be sure to follow the proper steps for sanitizing the area. Most places should have a list somewhere, preferably hanging on a wall within sight.

reading glasses, plastic gloves, lavender oil, tea tree oil
Some favorite items in my kitchen survival kit
  • Plastic Gloves:  some kitchens are stricter on having to wear plastic gloves when handling food. I used them a lot when I prepped, especially when I had the unpleasant task of working with seafood (I’m not a fan), and when I had to wash dishes.

Used for sanitary purposes, but also to keep your hands from getting too smelly or slimy. They are good to wear when you have a cut on your hand and want to protect it.

  • Waterproof Medical Tape:  helps when you need to bandage a wound.
  • Roll of Self-Adhesive Gauze:  works even better on cuts.
  • Finger Cots:  little “finger gloves” that are good to use to cover your fingers that have cuts on them.
  • Antibacterial Wipes:  good to have anyplace, really.
  • Burn Cream:  I could have used this during a busy month when I seemed to be getting a new burn on my arm every day. I was cooking a lot of bacon, and we always used big sheet pans to lay out the strips on. Almost every time I pulled a pan out of the oven, I managed to burn myself.

At one point I had so many burns on my arm I looked like a heroin addict!

  • Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils:  Sounds kind of strange, but these are like “liquid medicine.” The lavender oil is great for burns. You should first ice the burn, then apply a few drops of the oil straight on the burn. It will help it to heal faster.

Lavender oil is also great for stress. Just put 1 or 2 drops in the palm of your hand, rub them together, and hold them up to your face and take some deep breaths.

I used to make soaps and bath products for a side business, and one of my items was a lavender massage oil. I brought a little bottle of it in for my boss. She had eczema, and this also helps with that. I told her that the lavender helps to de-stress as well. One evening I went into her office and found her and two other kitchen employees sitting around, sniffing the lavender oil! It had been an extremely hectic week, so better they were sniffing that than something else!

The tea tree oil is great for scrapes and insect bites. Also, for its antibacterial properties. If you have a cut, bite, or sting that starts to get infected, it helps to put a drop or 2 on the bandage, then right over the cut. It will help fight the infection.


Miscellaneous Extras

  • Sharpie Marker Pens:  handy to have to write labels on prepped items. They seem to disappear quickly (at least, where I worked), so you may want to have a couple in your pocket.
  • Reading Glasses:  (if needed) I’ve never worn glasses, but, a few years ago I had to get a few pairs of these. It became harder to read the fine print on things, so I always made sure I had some with me at work, in case I had trouble reading an order ticket.
  • Needle-nose Pliers:  according to my husband, these work well for pulling bones out of meat and seafood. Also good for taking the membrane off ribs. They may come in handy too, if you need to do a quick fix on something.
  • Pocket Thermometer:  always good to have a few (make sure they actually work) in your pocket or within reach. Especially if the dreaded health inspector pays a visit.
  • Health Inspection List/Regulations:  you want several of these posted in the kitchen and do the best you can to follow it. You never know when you might get that surprise visit, so you want to be good and ready. You may also want to have $50, to bribe the guy or gal (that part was added by my husband, Kevin – just kidding).
  • Measurement Equivalent Chart:  (preferably laminated) this came in handy at work different times, when having to figure out certain measurements.
  • Ball of String or Twine:  Kevin likes this for wrapping meats (but hopefully not to have to use for a tourniquet).
  • Scissors:  to cut the string, and, whatever else.



You can probably come up with your own additions, but hopefully, these were some helpful suggestions for your survival kit.

Happy cooking, and, beware of the freshly sharpened knives!


Cream Cheese Broccoli Casserole

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so you’re probably already figuring out your menu and making your shopping list.

Turkey is good, but to me, the sides are better.

My favorite vegetable is broccoli. I usually saute or roast it, but every now and then, I’ll fix a nice casserole.

I like this particular recipe because it’s kind of different from the usual broccoli casserole. A lot of the ones I come across have cheddar cheese or something like Velveeta. But, this one uses cream cheese.

It’s great for a holiday dinner, or, any night of the week!


broccol and cheese casserole, side dish vegetable casserole, broccoli recipe

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 bag (12-16 0z.) frozen broccoli, florets or cuts
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 2 cups milk
  • 6 oz. cream cheese, cut in small chunks
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • salt and pepper to season


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Coat medium casserole dish with cooking spray.

Cook broccoli, either in steamer or microwave, til slightly done. Spread out in dish.

In large sauce-pan, melt 1/4 cup of butter over low-medium heat. Add onions and cook for a few minutes, til tender.

Add flour, stirring in with the onions, til smooth. Slowly pour in milk, continuing to stir mixture. Add cream cheese, stir together til everything is melted and well-blended. Pour over broccoli. Season with salt and pepper.

Melt the rest of the butter in a small bowl in microwave (or in sauce-pan). Stir in bread crumbs and mix til blended with the butter.

Pour bread crumb mixture over the casserole and spread to cover the top. Bake for 35-40 minutes.


6-8 servings




Baking Tips I Never Knew

The holiday season is upon us, which means plenty of baking – cakes, pies, cookies, breads, etc.

I bake a lot of cookies, mostly chocolate chip, sometimes with added goodies, like M&Ms or peanut butter chips. Everyone seems to love them, but, each batch comes out looking different. Some are a little too doughy, some are really flat and gooey (how I like them). But, they’re never the same. What’s up with that?!

Curious, I decided to do some research to get some answers to my cookies’ inconsistencies.

peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

To Sift or Not To Sift

I’ve always been confused about sifting flour. Is it that important? When should I do it? Why should I do it? Would my cookies come out better if I did do it?

According to, sifting flour helps get out the clumps and make it lighter. It can make a big difference in how your cakes and cookies turn out.

I do recall The Barefoot Contessa saying that you shouldn’t “pack” the flour down in the measuring cup. You just want to add scoops of flour and then use a knife, or similar, to scrape the excess off.

If you sift, claims craftsy, it should give you more even measurement.

Also, when you’re in areas with a hotter climate, the flour can tend to pack more densely, so that’s definitely a good time to sift.

Where sifting makes the biggest difference is with lighter, more delicate baked goods, such as angel food cake. So, another time it’s important to sift. Of course, also in recipes that specifically call for sifted flour.

I finally got around to comparing sift vs. no sift with my cookies, and what do you know… they came out better! Much lighter and the dough spread out nicely. Hmmm….

I didn’t feel like purchasing a fancy sifter, but instead used a big sieve, and that worked fine.



  • Know your oven, where the “hot spots” are – you may need to rotate the pan halfway through
  • Be sure to read the recipe completely before you start on it, do not to try to rush the baking process – make a game plan and have all your ingredients measured and ready to go
  • Leave refrigerated ingredients (such as eggs, butter, milk, etc.) out ahead of time to get to room temperature before baking
  • It is critical to be exact with the measurements when baking, also weighing the ingredients
  • Be sure to follow the recipe exactly, in the order of the steps, temperatures, and baking times
  • Don’t be afraid to use salt – it helps all the ingredients “come together”
  • If recipes call for baking powder, but you’re out, do not use baking soda – make your own baking powder: use 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1/2 tsp cream of tartar to make 1 tsp of baking powder (but, I guess that doesn’t help if you’re also out of cream of tartar!)


For Cookies

  • Use all purpose or pastry flour, unless recipe calls for another
  • Use unsalted butter over margarine if possible – butter gives a richer flavor and the cookies spread out more (this may be my problem… I’m guilty of always using margarine for my cookies… maybe time for a change)
  • Use real vanilla over imitation (oops, guilty of this one too… what can I say? I’m cheap!)
  • Use sea salt over kosher salt
  • Replace hardened brown sugar with fresh, soft brown sugar
  • Good to put the cookie dough in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before baking
  • Don’t over-mix the cookie dough, and use low speed on mixer
  • For chewy cookies: Nuke the butter about 15 seconds, or til softened, before adding it to the sugar. Try using brown sugar without white sugar. Also, take the cookies out of the oven before they’re completely done, then let them cool on the pan for 3-5 minutes before removing
  • For crispy cookies: Use butter instead margarine, and egg yolks instead of whole eggs, and, let cool on the pan for 1 minute before removal
  • For flatter cookies: Use butter, all-purpose flour, add more sugar, or add some water to the dough
  • For puffy cookies: Use margarine, cake or pastry flour, use less sugar, and baking powder instead of soda
  • For baking sheets: Thin ones can be less expensive, but they can cause the cookie bottoms to brown too fast – insulated sheet pans can cost more, but they help the cookies bake more evenly
  • Use small ice cream scoop to speed up process of putting cookie dough on pan, it also helps them to come out the same size
  • Parchment paper (not wax – it can burn) can help prevent cookies from sticking to pan, as well for easy clean-up
  • Even better, if you want to spend the money on a silicone “baking mat” to put on the sheet pan, it will help with easy removal

pound cake, dessert, loaf cake

For Cakes

  • Generously butter (grease) and flour the pan
  • Make sure you use the correct size pan or tin
  • Try to get as much air into the cake as possible by sifting the ingredients together, then gently use a “balloon whisk” to fold
  • Put the pans into the oven as soon as the batter is poured
  • Make sure you preheat the oven (with correct temperature) before putting the pans in
  • Best to place the cake pans on the middle shelf of oven for easy baking
  • Avoid opening the oven door, at least til the cake is almost done (cake may collapse if cold air gets into oven)
  • Close the oven door as soon as possible after putting pans in
  • Cake is done when an inserted toothpick comes out clean
  • Let cake cool completely before icing


I hope some of these tips are helpful to you. I already knew about a few, but some were a big surprise. I had always used aluminum foil on my baking sheets for cookies. When I worked at Harbourtowne, we used parchment paper for everything we baked, so I tried it at home. It was a big difference – the cookies came off the pan much easier. See for yourself.

Hope your holidays are safe, and Happy Baking!

Sources: and


Dealing with Sudden Job Loss

Just dealing with daily life is hard enough in today’s turbulent world. Family troubles, sky-high debt, world news, road rage, yadda yadda yadda….

And then, you suddenly lose your job.

It happens. It sure happened to me.

I was caught off guard, but, I was determined not to let it knock me down. I needed to get into the right frame of mind. I knew that if I got caught up in the negative aspect of it, then, in no time at all, I would be in a deep, dark pit.

So, what did I do?

First, I tried to look at the positive side of things. I know, I know, not always easy to do when you’re suddenly panicking over paying your upcoming bills. But, I forced myself.


Be Grateful for What You Do Have

Instead of thinking “Whoa is me…,” think about how lucky you are with what you already have, especially compared to many others out there. Even if your life might not be what you want it to be (for the moment), it could always be a lot worse. Remember, life is constantly changing. You never know what the next day will bring. But also remember…

You are responsible for changing your life.

I gotta remind myself of that one every now and then.

Also, maybe this wasn’t the best gig for you anyway. Sure, it was a job and you got paid, but, maybe this sudden termination is a blessing in disguise, and, opening up a better opportunity for you. If you can change your mindset to that, you may be surprised with what turns up for you.

This is a good way to look at other setbacks in your life as well.


Just Breathe

Every now and then, I have minor panic attacks. It usually happens when I’m going through a stressful or upsetting situation, combined with being exhausted. I experienced this sometimes at work, as a server, then, as a cook, when we’d get slammed with customers all at once. It felt like I couldn’t take a full breath and that my lungs were being suffocated.

When this happens, the first thing I do is focus on my breathing. I start taking some really deep breaths, slowly, from my diaphragm.

I take a big inhale, feeling my stomach area filling up with air, as I slowly count to 5. Then, I hold that breath for another 5 counts. And then, I exhale, slowly, counting to 5.

It is good to do this at least 3 times, but 10 is better, even more, if you have time.

After my job ended at Harbourtowne, I did a lot of deep breathing! But, it helped. It calmed me down. Just getting the oxygen to flow better through your body can make a big difference in how you feel.


My Westie, enjoying nature
Louie and me enjoying nature

Nature Calls

Another thing I like to do when I’m feeling overwhelmed is go for a long walk. Just reconnecting with nature can go a long way. I try to focus on my breathing here as well, taking in the fresh air along the way.

I’m lucky, because I live in the country and by the water. But, I know it’s not easy when you’re in a busy city or neighborhood. If you can just find a fairly quiet place to walk, or at least “tune out,” that’s good.

When I was working so many hours, I never spent much time outdoors. By the time I got home, I usually needed to catch up on chores, and, I was too tired to venture out.

After the job loss, I started walking a lot with my dog, Louie. We walked all around the property we live on, and suddenly, I noticed the beauty of it. Just seeing the water and trees, hearing the birds, geese, and other wildlife, helped me realize how lucky I am.

I’ve found that being out in nature helps put me in a meditative state, where it’s easier to find answers to things that are troubling me. Many a brainstorm session has taken place by the waterfront. I just put out the thought of whatever I need insight on, and then, forget about it. Sometime during my walk, the answers I need miraculously come to me.

Maybe this all sounds a bit airy-fairy, but so what? Hey, it helps get me through the day!


Watch What You Say (and Think)

One last thing… I’ve learned to be careful with what I say and think. Your words and thoughts are really quite powerful, especially when they’re backed up with emotion. You may find yourself getting whatever is on your mind…so, in that case… think good stuff!

You want to focus more on the outcome that you want, not worry about how you’ll get it, or what’ll happen if you don’t.

Example: If you find yourself thinking, “I can’t afford that,” or something similar, then, that’s probably what will happen.

Try to change what you say to “I’ll get the money for that somehow,” or, one I often use is, “Everything will work out for me in the best possible way.”

I’ve said that a lot!

The thing that always saves me, no matter how rough the situation is, I figure that whatever happened was for the best, in the long run. Either something better is meant to happen, or, I’ll learn a valuable lesson from it. Just find whatever you can to turn it around. Keep going, do whatever you can do, and, who knows? This crappy experience may lead to something wonderful, in a roundabout way.

Whatever you do, good luck. I hope these suggestions help in some way.





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